Background info: We have 88 stores in the UK and Ireland and will be opening 3 in the US in April, to celebrate the third royal baby’s birth. These are our first stores stateside and they are being opened following huge demand from our online customers who wish to...
Try a free class and take advantage of Music Together of Fairfield County’s flexible schedule with weekday and weekend classes 7 days a week ! Take advantage of UNLIMITED FREE BONUS AND MAKEUP CLASSES for all registered families. Spring semester registration is...
MINDS IN MOTION 2018 Is Back For K-8 Students. REGISTRATION HAS BEEN EXTENDED UNTIL THIS WEDNESDAY! Saturday, March 17, 12-4pm, at Bedford Middle School Minds in Motion Westport is an afternoon of fun, fast-paced, hands-on workshops, geared to high-ability and...
If your kids are off for March break and you are staying in town, or you need some afternoon activities for your kids on those conference days coming up 3/21-3/23, see some programs – and camps – offered below! Earthplace is OPEN – when schools...
All ages are welcome to Come Build Westport on Sunday, March 18, from 3 to 5 pm, using 70,000 LEGO building blocks! This fun-filled event will take place at Christ and Holy Trinity Episcopal Church, 75 Church Lane. The event, ideal for ages 8 and up, gives families...