Around Town Archives - Page 101 of 181 - Westport Moms

A Healthy Dressing (and Salad) for any – and every – day!

Have you run out of your favorite salad dressing? Do not fear! Rinse out the bottle and fill it back up with this recipe instead! It’s simple, delicious AND likely healthier than the one you bought from the store! There is heart healthy and skin-friendly olive oil...

Dreaming of Summer…

Haggerty Pools specializes in swimming pool & spa service construction and restoration With warm weather on the horizon, families are sprucing up their backyards and getting ready for spring and summer entertaining. If you’re considering putting in a swimming pool...

Some Kids Activities While You Are Home…

No doubt about it—these are weird and worrying times. For many regions of our country, coronavirus concerns have led to (or will lead to) school closures. If you’re at home with your kids, please use this social distancing-friendly list for ideas to keep kids engaged...

OneWestport – Together Let's Keep Westport Alive!

Our local retailers, service providers, and restaurants need our support to survive.  The sharp decline in sales resulting from responsible “social distancing” can be catastrophic for small businesses running on tight margins.  You can make a difference. We’ve...

Quarantine Scavenger Hunt!! (for all ages)

As we all balance staying busy, school work, and entertaining our kids, this is a fun “Quarantine Scavenger Hunt” a wonderful community member shared! RULES: Take a picture of your answer to each clue. Only unique answers will be counted for example: if I...

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