Meet Jill Dillon - Board of Education Nominee - Westport Moms

How old are your kids and how long have you lived in Westport? I have two daughters, ages 12 and 14, and I’ve lived in Westport for almost 11 years..

How did you end up where you are now in terms of your job, or whatever passion project it is you might be doing? I’m running for the Board of Education in Westport as an unaffiliated, write-in candidate.  As I write this answer it is October 17. One week ago, I did not expect to be a candidate in a political election.  However, as the calendar crept closer to November 7, and the Board of Education election conversations started heating up around town, I realized there was an appetite among voters to have another choice of candidate in the mix.  I decided to throw my hat in the ring.  The town charter prevents any Board from having more than a slim party majority (4 from one party and 3 from the other) so, for the three seats up for re-election, to maintain that ratio, the Republican Town Committee and the Democratic Town Committee could only nominate two candidates each. Any other candidates had to get themselves on the ballot. By the time I decided to run, it was too late to get my name on the ballot by collecting signatures and filing with the Secretary of State, so I have filed to be a write-in candidate and people will have to write my name in on the ballot to elect me. It’s an uphill battle but, as the kids say, “Let’s GOOOOO!”

What was your best memory from the last few COVID years, a strange time we know… My daughters were in 3rd and 5th grades when school closed. One night they decided they wanted to make a fancy dinner and serve it in our dining room. They made invitations and we all had to get dressed up. They drew up a menu, and took my husband’s and my orders and prepared meals for all of us. I don’t remember what they made (probably some crackers, goldfish, grapes and pasta) but I remember how happy we all were and sitting around the table in our fancy clothes on a random weeknight.

What is the best show you have recently (binge) watched? On one end of the spectrum I binged “Painkiller” with Matthew Broderick, which was both devastating and educational. On the other end of the spectrum, I binged “Love is Blind.” Guilty pleasure!

What is your favorite podcast? I have no idea why but I don’t really listen to podcasts! I love to listen to music.

What is one food you could not live without? French fries

What is one product you could not live without? I mean, there are just too many to live without so I’ll go with a basic: a bed with clean sheets. Serving a community in need through my volunteer work, I see how easy it is to take things like this for granted. But when money is tight and you have to feed your family and pay the rent, many of these things we in Westport might take for granted—new sheets, new towels, new underwear, toilet paper, feminine hygiene products, diapers—become a luxury.

What is your greatest fear? I could get all existential here but it’s really dying in a plane crash.

What is your greatest indulgence? A massage.

Which talent would you most like to have? An amazing singing voice.

What is one thing people would be surprised to know about you? I was a contestant on Flea Market Flip in 2013 (spoiler alert: we won!).

If you weren’t doing what you are today, what might your career path might have been? A Teacher.

If you could travel to one place this next year, where would it be and why? Any place with clear, turquoise water and a beach where I can sit and read a book without fighting for a lounge chair.

If you had 24 hours to do whatever you wanted to do, what would it be? Okay, you said whatever I want, so I would be invisible and look at Top Secret documents. Random, I know.

Are you a morning person, or a night owl? How does sleep fit into your life? Night owl for sure, as I answer these questions at 12:53 am. I sleep easily and enjoy a good nap.

What thing has surprised you most about being in the suburbs? I’m way past it now but when we first moved here from NYC, it was the constant in-and-out of the car seat to do errands rather than putting the kids in the double stroller once, doing all my errands, and taking them out of the stroller once.

What is the first thing you do when you walk in the door after a long day? Take off my shoes.

Who is your favorite hero of fiction? Who are your heroes in real life? My real life heroes are the everyday folks who help others when they see they need help, not for any other reason than caring. My mom fits in that category, so my mom is definitely one of my heroes. If we all cared about each other a little more, life would be easier, wouldn’t it?

At a movie: Candy or Popcorn? Both!
Cook or order in? Order in
Cake or Ice Cream? Cake
Iced Coffee or Hot Coffee? Hot
Beach or Mountains? Beach
Puzzle or Board Game? Puzzle
Wine or a Cocktail (if cocktail, which one?) Wine
Reading or writing? Writing
Before bed: Social media or book/TV? Social Media
Watch or play sports? Watch
Stay in or go out? Go out
Comedy or Drama? Comedy

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