Meet Ellie! - Westport Moms

How old are your kids and how long have you lived in Westport? I grew up in New Canaan and I have lived in Westport for the past 10 years. I have a daughter (17) who is a junior at Staples High School, a son (21) who will be a senior at Bucknell, and a son who lives in the city who is 23 years old.

How did you end up where you are now in terms of your job, or whatever passion project it is you might be doing? I have been practicing Bikram hot yoga for 17 years (5-6 days a week). Now that my children are old enough, I became a certified hot yoga instructor through OHYA. Yoga is my passion because it has helped me personally, and I want to be able to teach yoga to other people to help them move their body and calm their mind.

I first began practicing yoga because I had a wrist injury from lacrosse and golf. I became strong and flexible, but at the same time I was able to calm my mind through the moving meditation of the 26and2 series. I want to be able to help people calm their minds and develop good posture and properly use their core muscles so they have balance, strength, and flexibility physically and mentally. I would like to help people on their wellness journey. I teach my students to have a positive inner voice and have appreciation and gratitude for themselves. I want my students to show love and compassion to themselves while practicing yoga. I wholeheartedly believe in the mind body connection.

What is the best show you have recently (binge) watched? AND/OR what is the last book you read? The most recent Netflix series I watched was the The Last Thing He Told Me! It was amazing with Jennifer Garner. My very good friend edited the book, and it is an excellent book too. Reese Witherspoon directed the movie! I am currently reading “Think Like. Monk” by Jay Shetty

What is your favorite podcast? Mel Robbins

What is your greatest indulgence? My greatest indulgence is Chobani Vanilla Sweet Cream in my coffee every morning.

What is one thing people would be surprised to know about you? Most people are surprised that my parents, siblings, sister in law and my 2 sons all went to Bucknell

What are some of your favorite things to do with your family? We love to go out to dinner in Westport and New Canaan.We always do ice cream runs as a family. And we love Nantucket in the Summer!! We love golden retrievers. We are getting another Golden Retriever puppy in August. Charlie is 5 years old, and Bentley will be his baby brother soon:) I love watching the New York Giants with my children.

If you could travel to one place this next year, where would it be and why? I am taking my children to Italy next Summer to celebrate their graduations from Staples and Bucknell.

Are you a morning person, or a night owl? I am definitely a morning person. I love the sunrise and coffee:)

Who do you most admire? And why? I think Princess Diana was am amazing woman. I admired her journey and courage she had while she was a single mother.

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