How old are your kids and how long have you lived in Westport/the area?
Allyson: My kids are 13, 13 and 9, and we have lived in Westport for 10 years!
Becky: My kids are 16, 14 and 12. We have lived here for 17 years, although I can hardly believe it.
How did you end up where you are now in terms of your job, or whatever passion project it is you might be doing?
Allyson and Becky: Throughout our professional and volunteer careers, we have both been focused on engaging people to support the work of organizations, be it as customers, donors, voters, volunteers or partners—and whether it is through written communications, events, or personal interactions. We have different professional backgrounds; I come from sales and marketing and Becky comes from the world of politics and non-profit, but working as room parents in one second grade class we discovered we make a great team! That partnership continued through other roles and then onto the board of Homes with Hope. We both started talking about going back to work in the last year, and decided we just need to bring our skills to a new audience! Thus, our consulting business was born – “PLUS2 Strategy” – which will provide strategy and communications for growing businesses and nonprofits. We are excited for all that’s ahead. If you are interested in learning more, you can email them at [email protected].
What was your best memory from the last year….a strange year we know…
Allyson: After staying home during quarantine we had the opportunity to explore and experience Alaska as a family last summer. It was a memorable trip and I would highly recommend it.
Becky: Getting my vaccine! It made all of the good things that followed—mostly visits with friends and family from far away—possible.
What are you most looking forward to in 2023?
Allyson: Embarking on a new venture with Becky and putting our skills to work
Becky: Starting a new business with Allyson!
What is the best show you have recently (binge) watched? AND/OR what is the last book you read?
Allyson: Abbot Elementary, which I just binged watched with my 9 year old, but our favorite show to binge watch is “The Goldbergs” (we watched every season during quarantine)
Becky: Miss Scarlet & the Duke! I generally watch any PBS period series, but I might watch this lady detective one twice to cheer me up, because I just read Our Missing Hearts by Celeste Ng, which was wonderful, but paints a worrisome and plausible picture of the future.
What is one food you could not live without?
Allyson: Eggs (and coffee)
Becky: Mashed potatoes.
What is your greatest fear?
Becky: I had breast cancer 5 years ago, so the fear of not being here when my children still need me nags at me every day.
What is your greatest indulgence?
Becky: Dark chocolate. I keep a stash hidden in a bowl in a high cabinet.
Which talent would you most like to have?
Allyson: To really have eyes in the back of my head like I tell my kids!
Becky: To be able to sing
Which words or phrases do you most overuse?
Allyson: “work it out “ my kids claim I often use this phrase to moderate an argument they are having that I am not present for…
Becky:“I’m sorry!”
What is one thing people would be surprised to know about you?
Allyson: That I used to have 8 chickens as pets
Becky: I am not sure there are any surprises, I tend to over-disclose…
If you weren’t doing what you are today, what might your career path might have been?
Allyson: I likely would have been a lawyer
Becky: Archaeology
If you could travel to one place this next year, where would it be and why?
Allyson: Italy; I have never been and have always had it on my bucket list and Paris with my family to enjoy croissants and macarons (our favorite)
Becky: Yosemite. We had many happy extended family vacations there when I was growing up. Somehow my children have never been and one is almost out of the house now.
If you could live somewhere other than where you do, where would it be?
Allyson: I love Westport and the warm community here and couldn’t imagine living anyplace else
Becky: My home state of California or the English countryside where I would solve lots of murders, but somehow never be rattled by the high crime rate in my small village.
Are you a morning person, or a night owl? How does sleep fit into your life?
Allyson: I am usually a night owl (I am very productive after 10pm) ,but lately I have been getting up early too!
Becky: I usually compromise my sleep on both ends, but I am working on it, because a good night’s sleep feels revolutionary.
What thing has surprised you most about being in the suburbs?
Allyson: How much I love it here (despite reluctantly leaving the city)
Becky: How there is still no great safe place for my kids to ride bikes.
What is the first thing you do when you walk in the door after a long day?
Allyson: Say hi to our puppy- He is always the first one to greet us when we come in
Becky: Put on slippers.
Who is your favorite hero of fiction? Who are your heroes in real life?
Becky: My heroes in real life are my fellow parents in the Special Education PTA. It is not easy for any parent to watch a child struggle or worry about their future, but this group grapples with additional layers of worry and still finds a way to get up every morning and do their best for their families and support other parents and children in our community.
At a movie: Candy or Popcorn?
BOTH: Popcorn
Cook or order in?
Allyson: Both
Becky: Cook
Cake or Ice Cream?
BOTH: Ice cream
Iced Coffee or Hot Coffee?
Both: Iced
Beach or Mountains?
Allyson: Beach
Becky: Mountains
Puzzle or Board Game?
Allyson: Board Game
Becky: Puzzle
Wine or a Cocktail (if cocktail, which one?)
Both: White wine
Reading or writing?
Allyson: Reading
Becky: Both
Before bed: Social media or book/TV?
Allyson: TV
Becky: Audible book into earbuds so my husband can sleep, usually murder in an English country house.
Watch or play sports?
Allyson: Both
Becky: Play
Stay in or go out?
Both: Go out
Comedy or Drama?
Allyson: Comedy
Becky: Comedy, with maybe a murder in an English village